Welcome to Indalo Bowls Club

Membership Fees

Full Membership                                      225 Euro

6 Month Membership                               150 Euro

3 Month Green Fee                                  100 Euro

Green Fee per session (Non-Members)       5 Euro

Please contact the Membership Secretary for further information

Club Mornings

Roll up takes place on a Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning. Please arrive before 9:45 am for a 10:00 am start.

Please contact the Club Captain for further information


FAB qualified Coaches, Markers and Umpires are always available.

Bowling Programme

The IBC bowling programme includes FAB Competitions and Leagues, Club Competitions and Leagues, Open Tournaments (offering entries from home and abroad) and Club Mornings with roll-ups.

For further information please follow the Calendars link above

Social and Fun

Our in-house catering team provides an excellent service for all social events as well as bowling tournaments. We do anything from hotdogs to hotpots and offer a fully stocked bar that is very reasonably priced.

Throughout the year the club holds various fun bowling and non-bowling events such as; Easter Bunnies v Hares, Summer Sizzler, Boxing Day Fun, Quiz Nights and Murder Mystery Evenings.




 CLUB MORNINGS. TUES, THURS, & SAT  10.00 to 2PM - Visitors welcome. Please arrive no later than 9.30



Supporters of IBC